Maybe? That's what this feels like now that the holidays are done. Well, there's just New Year's left, but since I have to work both the Eve and the Day, it's not going to be much of a big thing, and that doesn't take prep anyway.
So today was the first Sunday in a while that I got to veg out. My gf and I went to a local sports bar to watch the last Packer game and pig out on naughty food. Then at home we finally watched the documentary on the Dixie Chicks, "Shut Up & Sing." (Which, btw, was fantastic. I highly recommend it.) Followed by 2 episodes of Popular. We are quite addicted to that show, as silly and outlandishly wacky as it is.
Of course, my list of things I could be doing is always there. My room is still a mess, there are still boxes to be sorted through, organizing to be done. There is a bag of things that I need to list in my etsy store... I really do need to get working on the pictures I want to get ready for etsy, too. Need to check out mats at the store, burn some pictures to disc and get them printed... But tonite it seemed like the easiest project to get started on was to start on a couple more sock monkeys. Not for anyone in particular, just using the socks that came with the pairs that I bought to make the monkeys for the girls. I could sell these on etsy, too...
There's just so much I
could be doing that it's overwhelming, in a way. Where do I start?