
Monday, July 13, 2009

70s Swingtown Fantasies

The other day I began to rewatch "Swingtown" on netflix. There was only one season of this wonderful show, and while I missed most of it when it was on TV, I caught up on the season in all of about 3 days once I found it on netflix.

Was definitely craving it again-- The clothes, the music, the fantastic attention to detail in the scenery, sweet Susan, and best of all, Trina. She's just one of the most adorable characters I think I've ever seen. Always the party host, fun, thoughtful, caring, seemingly confident, but a bit fragile. And pretty damn hot. She easily carries off some crazy 70s swimsuits, and of course, looks amazing in her disco dresses.

So, there are these moments in these early episodes of the season so far where you (or is it just me?) gets the feeling that something could develop between the two leading ladies, Susan and Trina. Like, I was watching Episode 2 yesterday and there's a scene where Trina is holding Susan's earring which had been left behind at the night of the 2 couples' encounter, and looking at it longingly with this smirky little half-smile. Then cut to Susan who is holding the other earring and looking at it with pretty much the same expression. And I found myself thinking, Damn, this show would be 100 times more enjoyable if Susan and Trina were to have a thing. A hot, passionate, intense thing that they would never regret in the morning. They wouldn't have to leave their husbands or anything, I'm sure those guys would be into it! So I'm not talking huge lifestyle changes for these gorgeous ladies of the 70s, just some sexy exploration that I, as a viewer, could watch!

Now, granted, this show was on network television, not cable, so it wouldn't have a ton of nudity or anything, but I just don't care! To see these two fantastic women enjoying each other would just be ... I don't know the words-- just perfect, pretty much! Maybe if that had happened, there would have been a 2nd season of the show. ;) Just sayin'!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Weddings Galore

It's the time of the season...

Wedding season is in full swing, and I'll be there with my camera! Coming up very soon here are two lesbian weddings that I've been invited to photograph at. VERY exciting!! And then in September, two of my best gay boys will be saying their I Do's to each other and I'll be there to capture the moment.

Growing up, I don't remember every fantasizing about my wedding, I don't remember caring or thinking that was something I wanted to do. Not that I was against it-- it was just void... But now, of course, with politics and laws being made to allow and forbid same-sex couples from marrying, it's on my mind a lot. I cried when I saw couples walking in our Pride parade a week ago, carrying signs that said "Married in Iowa, May 2009."

They love each other and they got married.

How simple.

I've been reading a lot about the statement that came out of President Obama's cabinet regarding DOMA, and what a load of crap that statement was. Things it said didn't make any sense!

Joe Solmonese, the President of the HRC, wrote an excellent letter to President Obama and it was printed in our local GLBTQ magazine, "Lavender." You can read his letter here:

In that same issue of "Lavender," there was a column stating the next airing of "Athiests Talk"-- a radio show on AM 950. This short article points out that the program is entirely supportive of GLBTQ issues, because the arguement against queer equality is almost entirely based in religion.
Host Mike Haubrich thinks "religious institutions that suppress the rights of GLBT folks are using their beliefs as justification for an underlying homophobia. By using the Bible as an absolute moral guide in legislating issues related to marriage and other societal benefits that should be recognized as being granted by such a basic document as the Declaration of Independence, they are demonstrating precisely the effects of church-state entanglements that James Madison was warning against. The state should not be used as a sledgehammer to enforce a particular religious code, and an individual's sexuality should not be subject to the whims of religious interpretation."

I cannot agree more!! This argument against gay marriage is truly religion-based!! America was founded on the principle of the separation of church and state, and there is no reason to change that now.

We deserve the right to marry legally. To take advantage of all the legal benefits of marriage. We pay taxes. We contribute to Social Security. We deserve the right to have equal legal stake and responsibility in our homes, our children, our health, and our livelihoods.

If you don't want us to marry, that's fine. We won't marry in your churches, and you can go on believing whatever you believe. But we have as much right as anyone. Regardless of who we love.

See? We're just like everyone else!

In a Bronx high school, two girls have been named the school's "Best Couple." :D They won by a landslide!!,0,849771.story

It's those little steps... Every part of us is normal-- there's just that one thing that a lot of people don't understand. When people see that you are just like them, it makes it harder for them to discriminate against you. We are the high school golden couple, too!