Saturday was a dreary day. Very chilly for August, and the morning drizzle increased to rain by afternoon. But we were determined to go to lots of sales and find lots of cool vintage stuff!! I got a handful of records that I'm going to make into notebooks; a stack of vintage Life, Collier's, and McCall's sewing magazines-- they're heavy and they take up space, but I love them! A crazy orange plastic bathroom set that must have come out of the Brady girls' bathroom. Oh wait, the Brady girls shared with their brothers, so they probably didn't have final say over the decor... Laurie Partridge, then, maybe? Anyway, it's so gaudy it's adorable. Orange plastic in a pattern like cut crystal. It's hard to explain, I'll have to post pictures. Also, a worn deep-red hardcover book from1939 entitled "Tale Of The Witch Doll," some Fire King Azurite saucers and a creamer for my collection, some other miscellaneous fifties-looking saucers, and an aluminum cake-carrier for my best friend.
Also on Saturday, while driving all over town for rummage sales, I happened to spot an adorable old sign, through the rain. I really, really hoped to come back and photograph it. It's all alone in an area that has all either been redeveloped, or is just about to. I don't quite understand how this sign is still standing alone in the middle of all that, but I doubt it will be much longer. Well, on Sunday, the weather was just gorgeous-- blue sky, fluffy clouds, sun galore. My mom, sister and I were out doing various errands and they humored me by taking the drive back to the sign so I could take pictures of it. I think they were also curious to see what the hell the fuss was about! They agreed that it was a really cool find.

How cute is that?! It says Weddin on one side of the sign. Must have lost it's G sometime after the plexiglass got broken. Frickin' adorable. We were thinking there must have been a print shop there at some point... Maybe?