"Hannah Free" is an independent film, financed by individuals and the film-makers themselves, as well as many people who put in their time and effort free of charge.
It is the story of 2 women, Hannah and Rachel, who grew up together, and from the time they were children

The past is told through flashbacks, while in the present both Hannah and Rachel are in a local nursing home. Hannah is there because she can't physically get around enough to take care of herself, and Rachel because she has suffered a stroke and is on life-support. The heartbreaking part is that although they have been in the same facility for many months, Hannah has not been allowed to see Rachel bec

It is a beautiful film. Well-written, strong acting, funny, poignant, up-lifting, and always touching. You would never have any idea it was a "small-budget" film. It was the perfect boost to my mood that evening, when I had spent much of my day reading about Maine's voting results, feeling hurt and angry.
Being that this is an independently-made film, the filmmakers are still working very hard to get exposure for the film and to make enough money to pay back all their investors. Lesbian films generally don't make a lot of money, which is why so few are made. If they were money-makers, they would be made all the time! And certainly the quality of the film and the actors they would attract would improve, too! Please support "Hannah Free" in any way you can.
Become a fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/Hannah-Free/76436188517?ref=ts
"Save" the movie in your Netflix queue! The more people that do this will let Netflix know that this is a film their customers are interested in renting-- and that will encourage them to buy more copies of the DVD.
And also, please BUY the DVD! Filmmakers make squat from the box-office and television showings. Most money is made through sales of DVDs-- to rental businesses and to individual customers. In order to keep getting beautiful movies like this made, it's really important to pay back those investors and encourage them to invest in lesbian films in the future!!