This is one of my favorite gifts, lovingly made and given to me by my little sister. She made a matching one in blue for our mom, too. I love that she used organic cotton yarn, (Mom and I are both sensitive to wool), and in such a beautiful neutral color.

I also made a gift for my friend, which I'm excited about. I think it turned out well. A while back, we had somehow ended up talking about an organizer for earrings made from a frame and screen material. I said they could easily be found on etsy-- I've seen many that I thought were nice. Well I'm hoping that she didn't order one from etsy, because I made her one. I used a vintage frame that I bought at a thrift store last year. (I knew it would come in handy sometime!)
I asked my girlfriend to bring me home some screen, knowing that they replace windows all the time at her job. She brought me a big clean piece, so I had plenty to work with. Busted out my trusty staple gun and stapled the screen to the frame. Then I glued black felt to the back of the screen, covering up some blemishes in the frame from past staples, and giving it a soft backing so it won't mark up their walls at all.