I told her I would try to track down some for her. Maybe since I work at a camera store, I'd be able to find somewhere to get it cheaper. After a couple minutes of researching, I realized that almost everything out there is actually respooled 120 film. Well, I have a pack of Kodak color 120 at home. If I could get my hands on a 120 spool or two, I might be able to make it work!
I found a great tutorial online at:
Yes, they misspelled Congratulations, at the end... ;) But the step-by-step instructions and clear pictures gave me all the information I needed. After 2 read-throughs and a quick skim, I was pretty sure I had it down. I searched through a few of my store's display and recycle-bin oldie cameras and was able to come up with a few spools! Grabbed our dark-box, which we use to take film out of stuck cameras.

I had the first roll almost done, when I realized I had done it backwards. Oops! Don't know if it would've made a difference, but I started over anyway. I suppose this way the numbers on the paper backing will be in order! Sent a quick text to my mom to see if she'd like to have a roll of black & white along with the color roll, which she was really excited about. Bought a roll of Ilford 120 400-speed B&W film which can be processed C-41. That will enable me to take it to our store's lab for processing, instead of sending it out, and then I can make sure that I hang on to these somewhat-rare spools!

This is my finished product. The first 2 of maybe many! I know the processing and printing will run us a bit, but at least this part was pretty cheap and painless. Now she won't have to worry about being stingy with the film.
I need to take my own advice and get my Holgas out again!!
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